LifePattern AI Features

Your privacy is our top priority.

Your data is yours. Your data will only be shared with parties you have explicitly chosen. We will never use your data for any purpose other than to provide you with the best possible service. We will never use your data to train our AI models. We will never use your data to show you ads. We will never use your data to sell you anything.
LifePattern AI Features

Plan a journey to reach your goal.

Describe your situation and your goal, and LifePattern AI will help you plan a journey to reach your goal. For example, you can describe your current fitness level and your goal, and LifePattern AI will help you plan a fitness journey. Or you can describe your current mood and your goal, and LifePattern AI will help you plan a mental health journey.
Plan a journey to reach your goal.

Write about your day in your own words.

Write about your experience in a journal entry, or chat with AI to capture your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Use audio input or text input. LifePattern AI will do the rest.
Write about your day in your own words.

Extract insights from your journal.

Using AI to interpret your journal entries and extract details that can be analyzed and build a timeline of your experiences. For example: LifePattern can extract typical ingredients from your food entries, muscles exercised from your activities, body parts affected by your symptoms, and emotions from your mood journal.
Extract insights from your journal.

Searchable records.

Ask questions and look for information in your journal entries using natural language. For example, you can ask: 'What body parts did I workout last week?' or 'What did I eat before my stomach problems?'
Searchable records.

Visualize the patterns in your life.

Using data extracted from your journal entries, laying bare the previously unseen patterns that shape your days, weeks, and months. Discover how your mood correlates with productivity, how your social interactions influence your happiness, or how your exercise routine affects your sleep quality. Visualizing your life's patterns was never easier, opening the door to self-improvement with the power of data.
Visualize the patterns in your life.

Get reminders, track and reflect on your progress.

LifePattern AI can remind you to write a journal entry, take a photo, or do a task. You can also track your progress and see how you are doing over time.
Get reminders, track and reflect on your progress.

Structure your thinking with chatting with AI

Describe you situation with help from AI. For example, AI can help you create a thought record, guiding you through the process of identifying your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and challenging your negative thoughts.
Structure your thinking with chatting with AI

And much more...

LifePattern AI is a work in progress. We are constantly adding new features and improving existing ones. If you have a feature request, please download the app and let us know.
And much more...
LifePattern AI